2 min read

World Champions! Waring wins top prize at First Tech Challenge World Championships

By Becky Schaeffer on 05/3/2023

Waring School’s varsity robotics team. Wolfpack Machina, won the top prize (the Inspire Award) at the First Tech Challenge World Championships on April 22nd in Houston.

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1 min read

Waring Students Lead Special Earth Day Programming

By Becky Schaeffer on 05/3/2023

On Friday, April 21st, Waring's Sustainability Elective orchestrated a day of special Earth Day-related activities. For the third year in a row, to mark the occasion of Earth Day, there were no regular classes held. Instead, Rowan Mulder '23, Sarah Patey '24, and other members of Waring's student-led Sustainability Elective created an entire day of programming centered around climate awareness. Students signed up for activity periods focused on gardening, identifying nature, letter-writing for sustainable causes, planting trees around campus, off-campus beach cleanups, and much more.

The students also arranged presentations from two all-school speakers - Pete Christopher and Jon Grabowski (P '26). 

Pete Christopher speaks at Earth Day Special Day

Pete Christopher works with NOAA fisheries writing regulations with the goal of balancing the sustainability of our marine life with the well being of the fishermen. He gave a very informative presentation on this topic and answered many questions. Thank you Pete. 

Jon Grabowski is a current Waring parent and principal investigator at the Northeastern University Marine Science Center, studying the relationship between fisheries management and restoration ecology. He gave a wonderful presentation on his work in the field of marine science – thank you Jon for your contribution to the Waring community!

The day concluded with a grounding mindfulness exercise on the Mine Field; fortunately, the weather cooperated and brought us all some much-needed sunshine.

The celebration was Waring at its best, with students taking the lead and guiding each other through important talks and activities. The students organized the day from start to finish, creating a memorable and educational experience that their peers will not soon forget.

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Group 3 Black History Month Projects

By Marika Whitaker on 02/28/2023

February is Black History Month! Group 3 (10th Grade) Art students read and discussed Race and Representation by bell hooks and watched the documentary Black Art in the Absence of Light, a contemporary survey of Black achievements in American art. Students selected an artist to research, and spent two weeks getting to know their visual syntax as well as the context around their work, how and if they address race, representation, and visibility in American society. Students wrote a notecard, created several studies of their artist's work, and gave short presentations in class.  

Please stop by the Forum to view this excellent student exhibition or view the work online on the Waring Smugmug Page.

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Waring Debate Succeeds at Harvard

By Tim Averill on 02/27/2023

Waring debaters, judges, and parents had a fabulous experience at the Harvard High School Tournament,  held in Cambridge on February 18-20. This tournament, the largest in the nation, had over 2000 debaters and judges in attendance. Waring had success in all levels of the tournament.

Micah '26 had a record of 6 wins and only 1 loss, debating with a colleague from Concord Carlisle HS. They won the trophy for elimination rounds, tying for 17th in a field of 175 teams. Robbie '29, debating alone in the middle school division, earned a trophy for 17th in a field of 168 teams. Also competing with distinction were Gigi '27 & Leo '28, Michael '26 & Ava '26, and Wilhelmina '26 & Ana '26.

Judging for Waring were our advanced debaters: Cam '23, Alex '24, Mikaila '24, and Eliza '24.

We were assisted by our parents who drove to and from Cambridge each day, and Coach Tim Averill ran the tabulation room all weekend.

The team will return to competition at the Mardi Gras Tournament at Shrewsbury HS on March 4.

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2 min read

FTC Recent Victories

By Francis Schaeffer on 02/27/2023

Robotics update from Francis, First Tech Challenge (FTC) Coach:
It was a great weekend for Waring's two FTC teams, Lupine Robotics and Wolfpack Machine.  Both teams competed in the Canton Qualifier.  Though both teams had already qualified for MA state tournament, they both played in their second qualifier, which is the expected and typical thing to do.  
Lupine ended the day by coming in first place by winning the Inspire Award.  It was wonderful to see the hard work they have done in outreach, internal development, and robot engineering, recognized.  Lupine came in second place during the morning qualifying rounds and so was entitled to pick their own alliance partner to play in the elimination rounds with them.  Lupine's alliance made it to the finals, but ended up losing to the alliance captained by Wolfpack.  It was an amazing finals in which Avery '26 and Dylan '26 drove Lupine's bot as they faced off against Wolfpack's bot driven by Owen '23 (Avery's brother!) and Chris '23.  See picture below!  
Wolfpack had a great day as well.  They were not eligible to win the Inspire Award, having already won it at another qualifier, but did end up winning the Think Award, which recognizes engineering process and excellence.  Wolfpack came in first place in the qualifying rounds and then led their alliance to first place in the robot game, beating Lupine in the finals.  Along the way, Wolfpack set two of the top ten scores in the world for the year, out of the tens of thousands of matches that have been played by the over six thousand FTC teams in the world.  Wolfpack also moved up in the world rankings to 5th place overall.  Take a look at the FTC stats page here.  
You can see a video of Wolfpack's highest scoring match of the day here
 Lupine and Wolfpack's robots with the trophies
The teams after the event
 The finals, in which Lupine faced off against Wolfpack
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3 min read

Wolfpack and Lupine win at First Tech Challenge Qualifier

By Francis Schaeffer on 01/30/2023

Robotics update from Francis, First Tech Challenge (FTC) Coach:
I am happy to report that Waring School's two FTC teams had a great weekend at the recent FTC qualifier. Both teams had a great morning, during which they played their qualifying matches. Qualifying matches are the matches played in the first half of a tournament that determine each team's ability to become a captain of an alliance in the afternoon of the tournament. Lupine, one of Waring's two FTC teams, came in 5th in the qualifying rounds with a record of 5 and 1.  Wolfpack, the other team, came in 1st in the qualifying rounds with a record of 6 and 0.  Both teams had scrambles, breakdowns, and quick-thinking saves throughout the morning, but came through well.  
A particularly memorable example of quick thinking occured when Lupine's robot knocked into a pole and its claw was forced into a higher position, meaning it could not pick up cones from their bottoms any more.  On the fly, sophomore Evan made a quick adjustment and placed the cones onto the field by staking them one on top of the other so that the topmost cone could be grabbed by the robot's broken claw.  It was a creative and insightful decision that saved the match!  With the claw out of position, 9th graders Avery and Dylan drove the robot to the tall poles that they were trying to drop the cones on, but couldn't drop them from the typical low height due to the broken claw. There was much laughter and cheering in the audience as Avery and Dylan dropped the cones from several feet above the poles. It got the whole crowd going.  If you want to see this match, go to 3:15:00 at this link.  
Wolfpack's day was also bumpy, though they won every match. They broke a number of parts inside the robot due to the pernicious effects of putting LockTight on Polycarbonate. The LockTight eventually turns what is normally an indestructible plastic into dust over several weeks due to an adverse chemical reaction. Emergency manufacturing using tiny aluminium rods and a drill saved the day!  
In the afternoon, Wolfpack had the top position coming out of qualifiers and so could choose any team to join them on the first alliance.  They chose Lupine!
Lupine and Wolfpack at RoboStorm 7.2 at Andover High School on January 22 
Together the two teams won the elimination rounds.  During the first match of the finals Wolfpack had a partial breakdown, but Lupine stepped up, scoring cone after cone and saved the match.  During the final match of the Finals, both robots were in good repair and set the highest score of the tournament and won the match.  If you want to see that match, watch from 5:33:30 at this link.  
Both teams won multiple awards.  Lupine won the Think Award, which honors the team with the best Engineering process.  They also won the Second Place Inspire Award.  Inspire recognizes the top overall team.  They also won Winning Alliance First Pick.  
Wolfpack won the Connect Award, which recognizes the team that does the most in terms of internal education and the best work with STEM professionals.  They also won the Winning Alliance Captain.  Wolfpack was not eligible to win the Inspire Award because they already won it at the Glen Allen Qualifier in Virginia in December.  
Both teams are looking forward to more events in the near future!
Visit the link below to see Wolfpack's favorite match of the tournament, and check out the other Wolfpack and Lupine videos on the YouTube channel
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1 min read

Waring First Lego League Team Featured on NASA Website

By Sarah Carlson-Lier on 01/26/2023

Lykos Robotics, one of Waring's three First Lego League teams, is featured in an article on the NASA website! For their Innovation Project (which won first place at the FLL State Tournament at WPI) Lykos team members studied the idea of putting a solar farm on the moon, and contacted NASA scientists for help. The NASA engineers were very responsive, and the students emailed back and forth with them and talked with them by phone several times as they did their research and prepared for competition. A couple of weeks ago, a public affairs writer from NASA reached out and asked to interview the students about the experience. The article just came out yesterday. The students are really excited- feel free to ask them about it! Click the NASA logo below to read the article on the NASA website. 

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Waring Debate has Great Showing at Boston Latin School

By Tim Averill on 01/24/2023

For the third consecutive week, the Waring Debate Society had success, this time at the Keith West Memorial Tournament, held at Boston Latin School on Saturday, January 21. Four of our teams qualified for the Massachusetts State Tournament this spring: Eliza '24 & Mikaila '24, Gigi '27 & Micah '26, Wilhelmina '26 & Ana '26, and Thomas '27 & Leo '28. 

Also debating with distinction were our middle school teams: Robbie '29 & Maddie '29 and Cira '28 & Spike '27. Most of the competition was high school students, and I was proud of the efforts of our younger and less experienced debaters.

Waring was supported by our judges: Parents Jamie, Terry, and Alex. I worked in the tabulation room for the day. I was very excited that the tournament offered a prize for the judge who wrote the most outstanding ballots (as judged by the Boston Latin students) and this award, The Keith West Adjudication Award, went to my grandson Wilbur from Concord Carlisle High School.

Our teams of Eliza & Mikaila and Micah & Cam travel to Atlanta GA next weekend to compete in the Barkley Forum for High Schools at Emory University.

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4 min read

Cultivating a Beloved Community Mindset: MLK Mural 2023

By Marika Whitaker on 01/20/2023

"In his 1959 Sermon on Gandhi, Dr. King elaborated on the after-effects of choosing nonviolence over violence: “The aftermath of nonviolence is the creation of the beloved community, so that when the battle’s over, a new relationship comes into being between the oppressed and the oppressor.” In the same sermon, he contrasted violent versus nonviolent resistance to oppression. “The way of acquiescence leads to moral and spiritual suicide. The way of violence leads to bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers. But, the way of non-violence leads to redemption and the creation of the beloved community.” Source: www.kingcenter.org

On Friday, Jan 13, the Waring community gathered for an extended ASM time to honor the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King. We reflected on several passages of King’s where he discusses Beloved Community and then we listened to a portion of Bernice King’s talk on the King Center’s 2023 MLK Day Theme: It Starts With Me: Building A Beloved Community Mindset to Transform Unjust Systems. In her talk, Bernice outlines some aspects of cultivating a beloved community mindset, which, when practiced alongside courageous direct action toward transforming unjust systems, is a powerful tool of love and social change. Below are the tenets of beloved community mindset that she highlights:

  • Understanding that we are interconnected and interdependent
  • The ability to disagree without demeaning each other
  • Employing peaceful means in our quest for peaceful ends
  • Mental and spiritual conditioning to correct injustice and inequity without canceling, wishing destruction upon or seeking to destroy the person who propagated the injustice or inequity
  • Evolving from mere pity and apathy to compassionate action
  • Collaborating without compromising on justice
  • Embracing the philosophy and methodology of nonviolence as the pathway to the Beloved Community

After our all school discussion and collective visioning of what it means- looks like, feels like- to cultivate beloved community, we broke out into tutorial groups and reflected on the following questions, which students then inscribed on panels of a community art project designed by Marika Whitaker. Tutorials also worked on several different local service projects, creating dog toys for the Northeast Animal Shelter, decorating bags for Ellis Square Friends, and assembling snack bags for Beverly Bootstraps’ After School Programs. 


We invite you to come by the ASM space to see the completed mural and to join us in reflecting on beloved community: holding and building King's vision and practice for a loving and just world. For more information and resources, please visit the King Center for Nonviolent Social Change. (https://thekingcenter.org/about-tkc/the-king-philosophy/)

  • Take a minute to allow yourself to dream and envision Beloved Community. What is the shape of the word beloved ? what is the shape of the word community ?When you imagine being in the midst of beloved community what does it feel like, look like, sound like to you?
  • What conditions are necessary for cultivating a beloved community? What do we need more of, what habits do we need to release in order to build beloved community? 
    • How does cancel culture and wokeness relate align or contradict with the idea of beloved community? 
    • How is the idea of beloved community co-opted by white people who want to skip over the work of reconciliation?
  • What is one commitment you can make individually toward cultivating a mindset of beloved community?
    • What is one commitment (or one word) that your tutorial can make in order to cultivate a beloved community mindset here at Waring?
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Rebecca Reed wins Airtable award

By Becky Schaeffer on 10/25/2022

Congratulations to Waring's own Rebecca Reed, who is one of this year's winners of Airtable's Interface Designer Contest for the digital "Teaching Tool" she designed for curriculum planning and student information. Read more here - and brava, Rebecca!

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2 min read

2021 Faculty Grant Program Award Recipients

By Laura Bitler on 03/15/2022

Created entirely by Waring’s parent community to show their deepest gratitude for Waring’s teachers and staff, the Faculty Grant Program provides funding for Waring employees to pursue enriching experiences beyond the walls of campus. The Faculty Grant Program affords faculty and staff the opportunity to think outside the box, pursuing passions for subjects that they might not otherwise be able to access. In return, they will then bring that experiential knowledge back into the classroom to inform and enrich their students’ learning. In just four years, generous donors to the Faculty Grant Program have already made over 20 grants. Read below about this year’s grant recipients.

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1 min read

Cross Country Season- Fall 2021

By Mike Kersker on 11/17/2021

With a small roster of 10 runners, our Cross Country team enjoyed great camaraderie this year under the guidance of coaches Edith Fouser and Josh Webb and captains Eleyna Bayer, Jerry Lin, Katharine Judy and Ethan Wood. Keeping up with tradition on camping trip, our runners had a successful run to downtown Wolfeboro where they enjoyed ice cream on a hot day in the shade at Bailey's Bubble in Wolfeboro. To bookend the season, the team finished off their year on a chilly November afternoon where they enjoyed ice cream from Captain Dusty's. Inside of those bookends, Waring's team ran barefoot at Cranes beach, challenged themselves with hill workouts, called the quad their home, built team cohesiveness on their single van rides to away meets, challenged themselves to push their limits against the clock and one another on a regular basis and enjoyed the wooded challenge Waring's course offers during multiple meets this season. At the MBIL championships at Chapel Hill Chauncy Hall, our team placed two runners on the All Star Team (seniors Jerry Lin and Ethan Wood) while all runners on Waring's team had a personal best that day. The team shared a dinner together that evening and toasted their water bottles to a wonderful season, thankful they were able to compete again for themselves and the Waring school. 
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Waring Robotics Featured on WBZ News Radio

By Francis Schaeffer on 09/23/2021

WBZ NewsRadio interviewed Waring's award winning FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics team. Check out the full interview here: https://wbznewsradio.iheart.com/content/waring-school-robotics-team-hopes-to-build-on-international-success/

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1 min read

Three Waring Students Accepted into 2021 Massachusetts Art Educators Association Amazing Emerging Artists High School Recognitions Exhibition

By Rick Wilson on 03/22/2021

The Art Department is pleased to share the news that Ari Dimond-Putnam, Katharine Judy, and Yaqi Liu each had artwork accepted into the 2021 Massachusetts Art Educators Association Amazing Emerging Artists High School Recognitions Exhibition. This was a juried show, and only 94 students from across the state had work chosen for the virtual exhibit.

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Waring Teacher Published in Boston University Journal of Education

By Rick Wilson on 02/11/2021

Our own John Wigglesworth recently had his work published in the Boston University Journal of Education.

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2 min read

Sixteen Students Awarded Scholastic Art and Writing Awards

By Rick Wilson on 02/3/2021

Waring School is pleased to announce the students who were recognized by this year’s Regional Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. Despite the pandemic, there were close to 6,000 entries from throughout the state. The Gold Key winners are sent on to be judged nationally, with the Gold Key work from around the country.
View the art gallery featuring those who were  awarded   here.
For Art, Yaqi Liu and Matthew Lee were recognized for four photography pieces each. Katharine Judy (painting) and Lou Penaloza (drawing & illustration) also took home multiple awards.
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1 min read

New School Building Construction Well Underway

By Graham Pearsall on 07/8/2020

Construction on Waring School's new energy-efficient, eco-friendly school building is well underway. The new building will house Waring's All-School Meeting space, administrative offices, several classrooms, and the porches, nooks, and cubbies unique to Waring. Check out the progress below!

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French Skits Shine Online

By Graham Pearsall on 05/28/2020

French classes had to get creative this spring to keep Waring's French Skit tradition alive. While a transition to remote learning could have put a stop to the fun, shared performances, classes chose to get innovative and created many outstanding online plays. Check them out below!

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Apart But Always Together: Waring Community Sings "Lean on Me"

By Graham Pearsall on 05/28/2020

Music has found beautiful new ways to flourish at Waring School even while we're apart. More than 100 Waring students, families, alumni, and faculty collaborated to record a moving virtual performance of Bill Withers' "Lean on Me."

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Waring Students Sweep Top Prizes in Poetry Contest

By Graham Pearsall on 05/26/2020

For the second year in a row, Waring students have swept the top three prizes at the Beverly Public Library’s Teen Poetry Contest.

Students from 15 schools submitted more than 500 poems for consideration. Waring students accounted for eight of the twelve finalists in the high school division and two of the fifteen finalists in the middle school division.

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2 min read

68 Students Medal in National French Contest, 3 Students Lead Nation

By Waring Faculty on 05/26/2020

The results of Le Grand Concours 2020 are in and impressive! 

Sixty-eight of the 147 Waring students who participated in the National French Contest were named national laureates. For the first time ever, three Waring students led their division by posting national high scores.

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3 min read

Community Writing Project - Best of Week 7

By Graham Pearsall on 05/18/2020

Every Monday, for the past seven weeks, our Writing Department has invited the Waring community to participate in a communal writing project.

Each week, the Writing Department shared a new prompt and published some of the previous week’s best responses.

The resulting community-made journal is a powerful record of our time during remote learning and physical distancing.

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4 min read

Community Writing Project - Best of Week 6 and Our Final Prompt

By Graham Pearsall on 05/11/2020

In March, Waring’s Writing Department announced a weekly community writing project.

Every Monday, the Writing Department shares a new prompt and publishes some of the previous week’s best responses.

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Three Juniors Qualify for Prestigious National Merit Scholarship

By Graham Pearsall on 05/11/2020

More than 1.5 million students from across the United States took the Preliminary SAT test this fall. Finishing in the top 4 percent of all test takers were three Waring juniors—Cole Cunningham, Sparhawk Mulder, and Griffin Wells.

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10 min read

Community Writing Project - Best of Week 5 and Next Week's Prompt

By Graham Pearsall on 05/4/2020

In March, Waring’s Writing Department announced a weekly community writing project.

Every Monday, the Writing Department shares a new prompt and publishes some of the previous week’s best responses.

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1 min read

Waring Teacher and Alumnus Collaborate to Make 3D-Printed Face Masks

By Graham Pearsall on 04/30/2020

Waring's three 3D printers are rarely silent while students are on campus and have continued to buzz even in their absence.

Francis Schaeffer, Waring's STEM Coordinator and FLL Coach of the Brickwolves, has kept the 3D printers in Waring's makerspace busy the past few weeks making face masks. Each mask takes about nine hours to print and another 40 minutes to assemble using instructions supplied by Waring alumnus Bennett Ahearn '03.

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8 min read

Community Writing Project - Best of Week 4 and Next Week's Prompt

By Graham Pearsall on 04/27/2020

In March, Waring’s Writing Department announced a weekly community writing project.

Every Monday, the Writing Department shares a new prompt and publishes some of the previous week’s best responses.

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5 min read

What Remote Learning Looks Like at Waring - Four Students Break Down a Typical Day

By Graham Pearsall on 04/22/2020

On March 24, Waring School switched to a remote learning plan in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Faculty began conducting classes via Zoom and Google Classroom, music teachers continued with voice and instrument lessons, and our Athletic Director shared weekly workout schedules. Our Writing and Art Departments challenged our community to participate in weekly writing prompts and community art projects. Musicians began to share weekly #TuesdayTunes performances on Waring’s Facebook and Instagram, and we continued to gather every Friday for a (virtual) All-School Meeting. 

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4 min read

Community Writing Project - Best of Week 3 and Next Week's Prompt

By Graham Pearsall on 04/21/2020

In March, Waring’s Writing Department announced a weekly community writing project.

Every Monday, the Writing Department shares a new prompt and publishes some of the previous week’s best responses.

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3 min read

Students use Zoom to Workshop Poems with Accomplished Poets

By Graham Pearsall on 04/17/2020

Since Waring School implemented a remote learning plan, students in Michelle Ramadan’s Humanities Class have met regularly on Zoom to continue their discussion of World War I.

To conclude the unit, the ninth and tenth graders have been working on a poetry and art response to the poignant novel, All Quiet on the Western Front.

Yesterday, April 16, they were joined in class by four accomplished poets.

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1 min read

The Waring Art Connector Project

By Graham Pearsall on 04/16/2020

Waring’s Art Department launched “The Waring Art Connector Project” just one week ago. Already alumni, students, parents, teachers, trustees, and friends, from Alaska to the Turks and Caicos Islands, have contributed more than 50 pieces of artwork to the collective gallery.

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4 min read

Community Writing Project - Best of Week 2 and Next Week's Prompt

By Graham Pearsall on 04/13/2020

Every week since Waring implemented a remote learning plan, Waring’s Writing Department has invited students, faculty, parents, and friends to participate in a weekly writing project. 

Every Monday, the Writing Department announces a new prompt and shares some of the previous week’s best responses.

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1 min read

Waring Alumni Combat Coronavirus

By Graham Pearsall on 04/10/2020

This week is World Health Worker Week, so today we thank the many Waring alumni who work every day to keep our communities safe and healthy. Here are a few of the many Waring alumni doing extraordinary things now to combat the COVID-19 outbreak.

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1 min read

Waring Artists Sketch Portraits for a Kinder World

By Graham Pearsall on 04/9/2020

Waring students helped promote intercultural awareness, friendship, and compassion by once again participating in the Portraits for Kindness Program organized by the Memory Project.

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4 min read

Community Writing Project - Best of Week 1 and Next Week's Prompt

By Graham Pearsall on 04/6/2020

Every Monday, Waring’s Writing Department invites you to participate in its weekly writing project. 

Last week the prompt was: “It's likely we are all seeing much more of our family than we are used to. Think about a time during the past week when you interacted with someone at home in a way that was surprising, funny, or interesting. Describe that interaction. You might want to include details of setting, timing, or dialogue.”

At the bottom of this blogpost, you will find this week’s new prompt. Everyone is encouraged to participate alongside our students. Please submit your responses to Jill Sullivan (no more than 250 words) by each Friday.

Below are three of our favorite responses from last week.

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1 min read

Brickwolves Featured by Carbon Leadership Forum for Developing Student Carbon Calculator Curriculum

By Graham Pearsall on 03/13/2020

While attending the Boston Youth Climate Strike in September, Waring’s FLL Robotics team noticed that while passionate about climate change, many of their peers knew little about embodied carbon, an enormous source of carbon dioxide emissions. In fact, embodied carbon, which makes up 40 percent of the world’s annual greenhouse gas emissions, wasn’t mentioned by the strike’s speakers at all.

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2 min read

In Memory of John K. Dineen, Waring Receives $100,000 Grant from Amelia Peabody Foundation

By Graham Pearsall on 03/2/2020

In memory of John K. Dineen, a Waring Board Member Emeritus, the Amelia Peabody Foundation has generously gifted the school a $100,000 grant in honor of the longtime friend of Waring School.

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2 min read

Waring Receives NATA Safe Sports School Award

By Admin on 02/19/2020

We are pleased to announce that after much hard work on the part of our certified athletic trainer, Colleen Jenkins, MS, LAT, ATC, and the Athletics Department as a whole, Waring School has received the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) Safe Sports School Award for its commitment to keeping young athletes safe.

The award champions safety and recognizes secondary schools that have met the recommended standards to improve safety in sports. The award reinforces the importance of providing the best level of care, injury prevention, and treatment.

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2 min read

Fourteen Students Awarded Scholastic Art and Writing Awards

By Graham Pearsall on 02/3/2020

Students from across Massachusetts submitted more than 12,000 pieces of art and writing to this year's Scholastic Art and Writing Contest sponsored by The Boston Globe.

Rising to the top of the extremely competitive contest were 14 Waring students who received 16 awards. Leading the way were seniors Gyani Pradhan Wong Ah Sui and Benny Weedon who both won multiple awards.

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Le Temps Retrouvé - January 2020

By Graham Pearsall on 01/29/2020

The latest edition of Le Temps Retrouvé, Waring School's journal of student art and writing, is now online!

The student-made journal includes work by every class year, from Core to Group 5. Within the journal’s pages are personal essays, poems, and school news as well as sketches, photography, linear function art, and much more.

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2 min read

Faculty Feature: Mrs. Cahill (by Will Stomberg '20)

By Will Stomberg '20 on 01/22/2020

Over the past year, Waring School has been in the process of designing a new school building on its 32-acre campus. To do this they will be tearing down the old building that used to be the school’s main gathering space, for both students and teachers. The Grande Salle will be demolished which is a loss for the students, but Mrs. Cahill's office will also be taken down. The loss of Mrs. Cahill’s office will be the loss of a common place for the faculty. If you walk by her office at any given moment during the week it is not uncommon to see anywhere from one to ten teachers bustling around the tiny space.

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Health Classes Participate in Self-Defense Training

By Graham Pearsall on 01/22/2020

Throughout the winter and spring, all Waring students will be participating in self-defense training as part of their health class.

Leading the instruction are alumni parents Shihan Kendall Buhl and Sensei Caroline Buhl, of The Dojo in Salisbury.

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2 min read

Faculty Feature: Julie Nelson (by Jake Ulwick '21)

By Jake Ulwick '21 on 01/9/2020

As a student approached the board at the front of the class, a grin appeared on algebra teacher Julie Nelson’s face. As they worked, Julie remained thoughtfully silent. As the problem became complete, the other students began voicing their unprompted approval. After a moment, Julie asked the class; “Do we agree?” The class returned with an overwhelmingly supportive barrage of conformation. The student at the front of the class smiled. “The class agrees with you, and that’s a happy thing,” said Julie.

“I had always seen Waring as my ideal school community,” said Julie.  “When my daughter was here I thought Waring was doing education better than any other school I had seen or found.”

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2 min read

Introducing the Accomplished Mentors of Waring’s 32nd North Shore Young Writers Conference (01/31-02/01)

By Graham Pearsall on 01/8/2020

Every winter for the past 32 years, Waring School has hosted the North Shore Young Writers Conference (NSYWC). The conference, led by professional, award-winning authors, includes two days of intensive writing, engaging workshops, and inspirational readings.

This year’s conference, which will take place on Friday, January 31 and Saturday, February 1, will be led by the following distinguished authors and writing instructors.

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4 min read

2020 Faculty Grant Program Award Recipients

By Graham Pearsall on 01/6/2020

Created entirely by Waring’s parent community to show their deepest gratitude for Waring’s teachers and staff, the Faculty Grant Program provides funding for Waring employees to pursue enriching experiences beyond the walls of campus. The Faculty Grant Program affords faculty and staff the opportunity to think outside the box, pursuing passions for subjects that they might not otherwise be able to access. In return, they will then bring that experiential knowledge back into the classroom to inform and enrich their students’ learning. In just three years, generous donors to the Faculty Grant Program have already made possible 18 grants. Read below about this year’s grant recipients and about the enriching trips, workshops, and lessons they have planned with their grants.

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2 min read

My Trip to Beijing with the Waring Debate Team (by Cole Sauder '21)

By Cole Sauder '21 on 01/3/2020

With only 24 hours of our 11-day Debate trip to China under my belt, in the middle of Beijing, amid the hum and bustle of rush-hour traffic, I watched my host crash her bike head-on into an oncoming cyclist. This was after she rented three different bikes that were either missing pedals or a seat. After the first crash, we pushed even harder on our pedals trying to get home, but it soon became apparent that Suzanna, my host, was lost, very lost in an enclosed college campus. 

The Waring Debate Team traveled to Beijing, China, in November for an international debate tournament and to build upon strong relations with our friends at T.H.I.S. (Tsinghua, Highschool, International, School). While in China we traveled to spectacular places, bonded with friends, and cleaned up at T.H.I.S’s debate tournament.

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Brickwolves Set Global High Score, Qualify for World Championship

By Graham Pearsall on 12/16/2019

No team in the world has scored more points in the world’s most competitive student robot contest than the Waring School Brickwolves this season.

During the awards ceremony at the FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Eastern Massachusetts Championship on Saturday, December 14, it was announced that the Brickwolves’ 600-point run in the tournament’s Robot Game was a new global high score.

Nearly 40,000 teams from 100 countries compete in the FLL Robot Game. To date, no other team has reported a score greater than 560 points during a FLL-sanctioned competition.

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Faculty Feature: John Ferrick (by Henry Symes '20)

By Henry Symes '20 on 12/13/2019

John Ferrick retired in 2003 after teaching in Ipswich Public Schools for 33 years. He knew almost immediately it was a mistake.

 “I had already kinda decided I wished I had not retired,” said John. That summer he was working at the Crane Estate, planning programs for others to teach, but he wished he was the one teaching them instead. In short, just a few weeks into retirement, he already wanted to be back in the classroom. That fall, he came to teach at Waring and has stayed ever since. In total, he’s accumulated more than 50 years of teaching experience.

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Inventive Middle Schoolers Design Balloon-Powered Cars

By Graham Pearsall on 12/11/2019

Design. Test. Refine.

For the past several months, eighth graders in Waring's STEM science class have been using 3D-modeling software and 3D printers to design and then print the parts for a balloon-powered car.

The course emphasizes a design-build process and the use of the scientific method to observe problems and test solutions.

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Debate Impressive at Lincoln-Sudbury Tournament

By Graham Pearsall on 12/9/2019

After earning outstanding results in Beijing last month, the Waring Debate Society returned to the North Shore to find similar success closer to home.

At the annual Lincoln-Sudbury High School December Tournament, juniors Arion Carraher-Kang and Jack Martin teamed up to place third out 83 teams in the varsity Public Forum Debate competition. Out of the 165 varsity debaters, senior Swara Douglas (5th), Arion (6th), and senior Turner Britz (18th) received speaker awards.

Topics: students Debate
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3 min read

Faculty Feature: Elizabeth Gutterman (By Austin Dowd '20)

By Austin Dowd '20 on 12/2/2019

This fall, Waring Theatre put on a wonderful show called Shakespeare’s Sister. It was the 16th production by the Waring Theatre Department since Elizabeth Gutterman’s arrival at Waring School five years ago.

Elizabeth’s love for theatre began at a young age. Her family had season tickets to a theatre in Providence, and her earliest memories of theatre begin there—with plays like Red Noses and School for Scandal. This started an everlasting appreciation for theatre.

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FLL Team Leads Community Workshop, Starts Robotics Club for Elementary Students

By Graham Pearsall on 11/22/2019

Earlier this week, members of Waring School’s FLL robotics team led an Introduction to Robotics workshop at Centerville Elementary School.

More than 40 young students attended the workshop to pick up the basics of EV3 coding and to learn how to computer program a robot to navigate a maze.

Because of exuberant interest in the workshop, the Waring School Brickwolves will expand the program to include a ten-session Introduction to Robotics Club for Centerville students beginning in January of 2020.

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Student Artists Show Work, Raise Funds for Trustees of Reservations

By Graham Pearsall on 11/21/2019

Eleven Waring artists showcased their stellar work at the Crane Estate Student Art Show and Sale earlier this month.

The gallery sale, with the theme Dynamic Motion, raised funds for the Trustees of Reservations, a non-profit land conservation and historic preservation organization.

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Faculty Feature: Tiffany Soucy (By Theo Cabot '21)

By Theo Cabot '21 on 11/19/2019

Tiffany Soucy hurries from the booth to a stage window that floats slightly askew. As she runs down the center aisle, she grabs a student to steady the windowpane so she can adjust it. “Does that look right?” she says. “I’m not the best at seeing if it’s level. Hey, Mattie, is this level?”

It was build-day in theater, and tech week was only six days away and the performance two weeks out. A lot had to be done to get Shakespeare's Sister running smoothly. As the Technical Director of the show, it’s her job to oversee the set, props, costumes, and everything in the booth. She is one of the most important people in the theater. She keeps the show running.

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Debate Travels to Beijing, Finishes among Top Teams at International Tournament

By Graham Pearsall on 11/14/2019

More than 240 debaters participated in the AGD International Debate Tournament in Beijing, China. Three Waring students were recognized among the top-six performers, earning Speaker Awards–Julie Durning (6th), Jack Martin (5th), and Arion Carraher-Kang (3rd).

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Waring Alumni Propel Hobart and William Smith Colleges to NCAA Soccer Tournaments

By Graham Pearsall on 11/13/2019

After falling behind 0-1 in the Liberty League Men’s Soccer Championship game with an NCAA tournament bid on the line, Hobart College relied on a bit of Waring magic to even things in the second half. 

In the 63rd minute, Waring alumnus Nick Wigglesworth ’16 launched a pass from the 50-yard line to the opposing box. There to receive it was fellow Waring alumnus Kyle Patrick ’16 who blasted the ball into the back of the net.

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Middle Schoolers Attend Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Conference

By Graham Pearsall on 11/4/2019

At the AISNE Middle School Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Conference over the weekend, Waring students joined middle schoolers from across the state to converse, connect, and collaborate on issues of injustice.

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Competitive At All Levels–Six Recent Alums Find Success Playing College Soccer

By Graham Pearsall on 10/16/2019

For such a small school, Waring has had a remarkable track record of preparing soccer players for collegiate success.

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More than 100 Waring Students Participate in Climate March, Demand Political Action (by Austin Dowd '20)

By Austin Dowd on 10/3/2019

It was unseasonably warm in Boston as thousands met in Boston City Hall Plaza to participate in a school strike to address global warming on Friday, September 20.

As students gathered, temperatures approached 80 degrees, capping the hottest summer on record, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Approximately 115 Waring School students, nearly two-thirds of the school, skipped classes to participate in the Boston Youth Climate Strike, which drew more than 10,000 participants. More than four million students went on strike globally to protest climate change.

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3 min read

New Students Share Favorite Memories From Their First Camping Trip

By Graham Pearsall on 09/9/2019

Each fall, Waring's school year begins with a four-day Camping Trip to North Woods Camp on Lake Winnipesaukee in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire. Tutorials stay in cabins, classmates sing in circles, and new acquaintances become close friends.

For new students, it's their first taste of what it's like to be a member of the Waring Community.

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Introducing the Newest Members of Waring’s Faculty and Staff

By Graham Pearsall on 08/26/2019

Waring is excited to introduce three new members to the school’s faculty and staff for the start of the 2019-2020 academic year. Learn a little about each addition below.

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Waring Reaffirms Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion, Adopts Updated Diversity Statement

By Graham Pearsall on 07/12/2019

Last December, students in the Waring Inclusion and Diversity Alliance met to give input on Waring’s Diversity Statement. An updated statement would reaffirm Waring’s commitment to building a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community.

Several students wrote their thoughts down on notecards.

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Dolly Farha ’20 Organizes Toiletries Drive, Donates 100 Backpacks to Lifebridge Homeless Shelters

By Graham Pearsall on 05/22/2019

Earlier this month, junior Dolly Farha and Anna Marie Smith’s Tutorial delivered 75 backpacks stuffed with toiletries to the Lifebridge Homeless Shelter in Salem. Later, they delivered 25 more to Grace Center, another Lifebridge crisis shelter in Gloucester.

The content of the backpacks was collected and donated by participating Waring Tutorials.

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3 min read

69 Students Medal on National French Contest, 2 Students Post Perfect Scores

By Waring Faculty on 05/21/2019

The results of Le Grand Concours 2019 are in and impressive! Sixty-nine of the 132 Waring students who participated in the National French Contest were named national laureates. Two students posted perfect scores, leading the nation in their division.
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Spring Sports Recap: Undefeated Ultimate, Boys Lacrosse 9x Champs, Girls Lacrosse Runners-up

By Graham Pearsall on 05/20/2019

Ultimate Concludes Season Undefeated

Waring’s ultimate team outscored the Cambridge School of Weston 15-4 in their final game of the season to finish undefeated. Over the course of the season, the Wolfpack outscored their opponents 90-29.

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Trio of Waring Graduates Make University News

By Graham Pearsall on 05/17/2019

Before they graduate from university later this month, three Waring School alums made news at their respective universities.

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Waring Artists Sketch Portraits for a Kinder World

By Graham Pearsall on 05/7/2019

Last Special Day, Waring students participated in Memory Project's Portraits for Kindness campaign, making sketches of Syrian refugee children.

The portraits, they drew from photographs, were then flown halfway around the world and shared with the children who posed for a picture.

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Video: Waring Alumni - Coast to Coast

By Graham Pearsall on 05/6/2019

We asked “Where has your Waring education taken you?” and alumni responded with selfie videos from all over the world.

They answered: Burlington, Vermont; South Bend, Indiana; Bologna, Italy; graduate school; teaching careers; music professions; and much, much more...

Watch the full video below.

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Waring’s FLL Robotics Team Returns From World Championship Inspired

By Graham Pearsall on 04/30/2019

At this past weekend’s World Championship in Detroit, Waring School’s robot finished 22nd in the robot game.

This finish put Waring in the top .06% of the 40,000 teams that competed worldwide in the 30th season of the FIRST LEGO League (FLL).

Before their flight home, the trio of Owen Cooper, Chris Douglas, and Peter Hanna, all eighth graders at Waring, had already used a computer program to tear one of the world’s best robots apart.

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Waring Students Sweep Top Prizes in Poetry Contest

By Graham Pearsall on 04/26/2019

Of the 26 poems chosen to be finalists in Beverly Public Library’s 23rd Annual Teen Poetry Contest, 15 were composed by Waring School students. Sweeping the top three places in the high school division and grabbing a third-place finish in the middle school competition were four members of the Wolfpack.  

More than 500 poems were submitted to the contest and blindly judged by three local, published poets. Twelve of the thirteen finalists in the high school division were written by Waring students.

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Middle Schoolers Connect with History on School Trip to Alabama

By Graham Pearsall on 04/8/2019

Twenty-five eighth graders from Waring School in Beverly, Massachusetts, walked up Dexter Avenue in downtown Montgomery towards the Alabama State Capitol building. It was late March, and the camellias that surrounded the building’s grand marble staircase were in full bloom.

Fifty-four years earlier, almost to the day, 25,000 protestors marched up that same avenue and gathered near the same steps. For five days and four nights, the civil rights advocates had marched 54 miles along U.S. Highway 80 from Selma to the Statehouse.

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Student-written Musical to Premiere Saturday, April 6

By Graham Pearsall on 04/3/2019

The final project required just a story plot, character summary, and song outline. Sarah Bradshaw '19 wrote an entire musical.

While enrolled in "American History through Musicals," a summer course at Harvard University, Sarah was so inspired by the class' content that she couldn't stop at just the concept for a musical.

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Waring Senior named National Merit Finalist

By Graham Pearsall on 03/1/2019

Gareth Buhl, a senior at Waring School, has been named a finalist in the 2019 National Merit Scholarship Competition.

More than 1.6 million students entered the competition by taking the PSAT, National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test in the fall of 2017. Less than one percent were named semifinalists and even fewer (just 7,500 students) were named finalists last month.

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Join Us for the Spring Auction - April 27, 2019

By Graham Pearsall on 02/22/2019

This year's spring auction will be held at Waring on Saturday, April 27, 2019. The theme for the event is “Coast to Coast" and will honor our alumni who leave Waring to find success from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast and beyond.

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Nine Waring Students Awarded Prizes for Art and Writing

By Graham Pearsall on 02/4/2019

Students from across Massachusetts submitted nearly 20,000 pieces of art and writing to this year's Scholastic Art and Writing Contest sponsored by The Boston Globe and The School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University.

Rising to the top of the extremely competitive contest were seven Waring artists and two Waring writers. Leading the way were Gold Key recipients Will Stomberg '20 and Arion Carraher-Kang '21 as well as Silver Key winner Julia Kautz '19.

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4 min read

2019 Faculty Grant Program Award Recipients

By Graham Pearsall on 01/28/2019

Created entirely by Waring’s parent community to show their deepest gratitude for Waring’s teachers and staff, the Faculty Grant Program provides funding for Waring employees to pursue enriching experiences beyond the walls of campus. The Faculty Grant Program affords faculty and staff the opportunity to think outside the box, pursuing passions for subjects that they might not otherwise be able to access. In return, they will then bring that experiential knowledge back into the classroom to inform and enrich their students’ learning. In just two years, generous donors to the Faculty Grant Program have already made possible 11 grants. Read below about the amazing projects this year’s recipients will undertake with their grants.

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Le Temps Retrouvé - Special Edition Released

By Graham Pearsall on 01/26/2019

Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Another edition of Le Temps Retrouvé is hot off the digital press.

From the editor, Head of School Tim Bakland: "Waring School is a place of ideas and 'voices' — voice in its many forms, written, poetic, artistic, musical, athletic, whimsical, serious, adventurous, and all the rest. Le Temps Retrouvé is one of many venues in which you’ll find the very essence of Waring School through student expression."

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Waring Senior's Art Exhibited Alongside Professional Artist

By Graham Pearsall on 01/25/2019

For the next six weeks, at Waring Downtown (290 Cabot St), the artwork of Sarah Malboeuf '19 will hang alongside the abstract oil paintings of local, professional artist Miranda Aisling. 

The initiative, organized by Miranda, aims to introduce Waring students to Beverly-area artists who have created a living around art. 

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Student Film, "The Raising of the Cassandra," Premieres at All-School Meeting

By Graham Pearsall on 01/18/2019

On Thursday, January 17, students crammed into Waring's Theater for the world premiere of "The Raising of the Cassandra."

The compelling 23-minute mystery was directed by Sarah Bradshaw '19, written by A. Reid Bradshaw '17, and produced by Robert J. Bradshaw, a teacher in Waring's Music Department.

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Waring Debate excels at Newton South Tournament

By Waring Faculty on 01/14/2019

Yesterday, at Newton South High School, Waring Debate competed in a Varsity-Only tournament in Public Forum Debate. It was Waring's first foray with the January topic: "Resolved: The United States federal government should prioritize reducing the federal debt over promoting economic growth."

At the end of five rounds of debating, two teams qualified for the Massachusetts State Tournament on March 30: Sasha Malley and Gareth Buhl as well as Anand Fedele and Julia Kautz. The attached photo shows Kautz and Fedele receiving their trophies from Newton South's coach, Josh Cohen.

Topics: students Debate
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2 min read

Waring Robotics Team Advances to World Championship

By Graham Pearsall on 12/21/2018

A championship robotics team isn’t built in a day. It’s built one LEGO brick at a time.

Last year, in their first year of competition, Waring did not finish in the top nine at the Revere FIRST LEGO League qualifying competition to advance to the Eastern Massachusetts Tournament.

This year, they qualified for the World Championship.
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Debate Team Qualifies for State Tournament

By Admin on 12/21/2018

At the Lincoln-Sudbury Winter Debate Festival on December 9, 150 teams (300 debaters) from dozens of schools competed in the open varsity division. Despite the stiff competition, Waring's teams had a successful day.

In the field of 300 speakers, Julia Kautz won 9th place and Anand Fedele won 14th place. Gareth Buhl and Arion  Carraher-Kang  were also both in the top 10% of speakers.
Topics: students Debate
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Waring Wins Robotics Competition, Qualifies for State Tournament

By Graham Pearsall on 12/21/2018

Two Waring School robotics teams will advance to next weekend’s Eastern Massachusetts State Finals after sweeping the top two places at the Revere FIRST LEGO League State Qualifying Tournament on Saturday, December 8.

Twenty two teams competed in the tournament designed to challenge middle schoolers with real-life scientific problems. Teams had to design, code, and build a robot to perform tasks, propose a solution to a problem associated with long-duration space travel, and demonstrate civility while working as a team.
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Students Compare Research Notes with WHOI Scientists

By Graham Pearsall on 12/6/2018

For months, Waring students in John Wigglesworth's Earth, Ocean, and Environment class have conducted field work in Gloucester to support their oceanographic research projects. Last week, they visited Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) to discuss their work with world-class scientists.

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Waring's Charitable Student Body

By Graham Pearsall on 12/6/2018

As we break for Thanksgiving recess, we express our thanks for and our awe of Waring’s charitable student body. Just last week, Elodie, a seventh grader, raised $336 for Beverly Bootstraps, students helped run a blood drive that collected 24 units of lifesaving blood, and Tutorials began to make plans to donate toys to Wellspring House in time for the holidays. Thank you, students, for your commitment to improving our community.
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Grace Lin, Newbery Honor author, visits with students, leads Humanities Discussions

By Graham Pearsall on 12/6/2018

“'Stories cannot tell all,' [Amah] said, and shrugged with heaviness, and the stonecutter saw her eyes suddenly haunted with worry. 'I disagree,' the stonecutter said, his hand reaching to pat Amah’s. 'I think stories tell everything.'”

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Girls Soccer Wins NEPSAC Class D Quarterfinal

By Mike Kersker on 12/6/2018

With an impressive 6-0 win over The Williams School in the quarterfinals, girls varsity soccer has advanced to the NEPSAC Class D Soccer Tournament semifinals. 

The girls will play Christian Heritage School this Saturday, November 17, at 1:30pm in Trumbull, Connecticut.
Topics: athletics soccer
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2 min read

E.E. Ford Foundation Awards Waring $100K Grant

By Graham Pearsall on 12/6/2018

On November 15, National Philanthropy Day, Waring School was awarded a $100,000 grant from the Edward E. Ford Foundation. This generous grant will support the school's Campaign for Waring and will help fund a new, sustainable school building. In the coming year, Waring will raise $100,000 in matching funds.
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Wood Earns XC All-New England Award

By Mike Kersker on 12/6/2018

Running in only his second New England Division IV cross country meet, freshman Ethan Wood finished an impressive 19th with a time of 19:22. (Top 20 runners are named All- New England).

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Girls Varsity Soccer Earns Number Four Seed in NEPSAC Class D Tournament

By Mike Kersker on 11/10/2018

The Waring girls varsity soccer team has been selected to participate in the NEPSAC Class D New England Small School Soccer Tournament for the first time since 2013. 

Topics: athletics soccer
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Waring Cross Country to Finish Season at NEPSTA Meet

By Mike Kersker on 11/8/2018

The Waring Cross Country team finished the regular season with four runners named to their respective all-star teams.

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FLL opens season with first place finish at 16-team Andover scrimmage

By Graham Pearsall on 11/6/2018

Waring's FIRST LEGO League team began their season will a first-place finish at a 16-team scrimmage in Andover on Saturday, November 3.

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Waring Theatre Puts On Excellent Production of "The Secret in the Wings"

By Graham Pearsall on 11/5/2018

At first, young Heidi is scared of her ogre babysitter (he has a tail for gosh sakes!), but slowly she is won over by his storytelling. He reads her lesser-known fairy tales of kings, princesses, snakes, and swans, each tale playing out on stage.

Topics: theater
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Ipswich Audubon Walk by Ananda Corum '23

By Waring Student on 11/1/2018

"We walk through the brightly colored forest–the classic New England fall scene with its bright foliage and beech trees bordering a wetland seized by cattails..."

Members of Group 1 hiked the Esker Trail in Ipswich during an earth science/geology class with John Wigglesworth. They searched the area for evidence that glaciers had receded through the region and wrote short reflections on their findings.

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What's better: dirty or clean

By Graham Pearsall on 10/30/2018

In 2013, a team of hard-hitting French journalists travelled to Waring to answer the important question–what's better: dirty or clean? Now five years later, they return to ask the same question...but has anything changed?

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Waring Team wins Miles for Mary 5k, Contributes to more than $4000 raised for Brain Cancer Research

By Graham Pearsall on 10/23/2018

Waring runners were crowned repeat champions of the Miles for Mary 5k on Saturday in Marblehead. The team, organized by Senior Julia Kautz, helped raise money for brain cancer research. All race proceeds, totalling more than $4000, were donated directly to Mass General Hospital.

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Don't miss your shot at Hamilton Tickets, donate to Campaign to be entered in raffle

By Graham Pearsall on 10/12/2018

A generous donor has given Waring two orchestra tickets to see Hamilton: An American Musical at the Boston Opera House on Saturday, November 3, 2018, at 2:00pm. Anyone who donates to the Campaign for Waring by October 28 will be entered into a drawing to win the tickets valued at over $1,200. Winners will be announced on Tuesday, October 30.

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Waring Alumni Finding Success at NCAA Level

By Mike Kersker on 10/7/2018

For a school that graduates only 26 students on average per year, Waring Athletics is still able to provide a platform for future collegiate sports success. Waring school varsity sports consist of soccer, cross country, basketball, and lacrosse. Each year our athletes are not only competitive inside of the conferences we play in, but our alumni are proving that they can make an impact at the collegiate level as well.

Topics: athletics alumni
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Campaign for Waring Announced

By Graham Pearsall on 09/22/2018

On Saturday, September 22, Waring School made a transformative announcement that marks an historic moment for the school. Head of School Tim Bakland and Chair of the Board Joanne Avallon officially announced the CAMPAIGN FOR WARING -- with the goal to raise an historic $6 million dollars for Waring students, faculty, and a new School Building.

To date, through the record-breaking support of donors from all constituencies as well as from foundation support of Waring's mission, Waring has already raised a remarkable $5.1 million in commitments toward the campaign goal!

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Waring Welcomes 31 New Students at Convocation Ceremony

By Graham Pearsall on 09/22/2018

31 new signatures, 31 rings of the bell, 31 new students welcomed to Waring.

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