Community & Giving

Help Create a Strong and Stable Future


Culture of Giving

So much of what we do at Waring School depends on the strength of our community in support of our current and future students, our school facilities, and our academic program. The spirit of philanthropy is as much a part of the Waring culture as our beloved campus. We rely on you - our philanthropic partners - to help give back to this special learning community. Fundraising serves to fill the gap that tuition revenues do not provide. Annual donations provide us the resources to create a strong and stable financial future for the school.

Common Questions

  • "Why is it important to give?"
    Each year, hundreds of Waring alumni, parents, alum parents, foundations, grandparents, and friends make elective gifts in support of the Waring Fund, Waring School’s annual giving program. This generosity helps to support Waring’s exceptional academic programs; compensate our outstanding faculty and advance their professional development; award financial aid to students who cannot afford full tuition; support Waring’s arts and athletics programs and fund many other activities that make a Waring education so inspiring and distinctive.
  • "How much should I give?"
    Gifts of all sizes are welcome.
  • "How does the Waring Fund work?"
    • Waring’s fiscal year commences on July 1 and ends on June 30.
    • Gifts made early in the school year can be put right to work in support of teaching and learning.
    • Supporting the Waring Fund helps sustain the school’s annual budget requirements that are not met by the cost of tuition.
    • Making a gift to the Waring Fund is fully tax-deductible.
    • Contributing to the Waring Fund helps support academic programs, faculty professional development, technology upgrades and financial aid.
    • Participating in the Waring Fund shows broad community support and helps attract funding from corporations and foundation funding sources.
    • Applying for a matching gift from your employer can double the impact of your contribution. The human resources department may be able to provide you with a matching gift form. Please see the Matching Gift Program List to the right for a list of employers in Massachusetts that offer matching gifts. 
Giving Tuesday 2018 (1 of 1)-2
Make an Online Gift

Ways to Give

  • Cash/Credit Cards
    Writing a personal check is the most common method of supporting the Waring Fund. Checks can be made out to Waring School and may be mailed to:
    Advancement Office
    Waring School
    35 Standley Street
    Beverly, MA 01915
    Credit card gifts are also accepted. Waring School can process Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express. If you wish, you may click HERE to make a credit card gift online.
  • Leadership Gifts
    At Waring School, a leadership gift is defined as a gift of $1,000 or greater. In years past, leadership gifts have made up over 80% of Waring Fund receipts. Leadership gifts can be made in the form of cash or appreciated securities. Leadership gifts can help provide a tremendous boost to the quality of education at Waring School. If you are interested in making a leadership gift, please contact Landis Van Alen, Development Officer at (978) 927-8793 ext. 337 
  • Online Gifts
    Giving to the Waring Fund online is simple. Please click HERE to donate at our secure online giving site.
  • Corporate Matching Gifts
    Many corporations offer matching gift programs to support employees and their families and sometimes even retired employees.  Matching gifts from corporations can double the impact of your gift and the entire gift will be credited to you and your family.  Please obtain a matching gifts form from your human resources department, fill out the appropriate information and return to the Waring School Advancement Office for processing. Please check with your employer or see the Matching Gift Program List below to see a list of companies in Massachusetts that offer matching gifts. 
  • Stocks and Securities
    Many of our supporters prefer to make a gift of appreciated securities. Giving a gift of stock offers certain tax advantages that are appealing to many donors. To make a gift of shares of stock, please contact Landis Van Alen, Development Officer at (978) 927-8793 ext. 337. 
  • Recurring Gifts
    Through our online giving website, you can set up an automatic monthly contribution to Waring School to be charged to your credit card. Please contact Landis Van Alen, Development Officer at (978) 927-8793 ext. 337 if you have any questions regarding recurring gifts.
  • AmazonSmile
    Visit and select "Waring School" as your favorite charitable organization
  • Deferred Gifts
    Waring School’s legacy society is called the Copper Beech Circle. The Copper Beech Circle is a group of devoted supporters who make a deferred gift to the school. Members of the Copper Beech Circle have named Waring School as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan, or have made a bequest to the school in their will.
  • Tribute Gifts
    Honoring alumnae/i, faculty or important members of the school community by making a gift as a tribute is a meaningful way to express your appreciation for the efforts of a loved one or close friend and to support Waring School at the same time. When a memorial gift is received, the Advancement Office credits the gift accordingly. 
  • Bequests
    You can become a member of the Copper Beech Circle by naming Waring School in your will. Leaving a bequest to Waring is a simple way to transfer assets from your estate to benefit Waring School, while reducing taxes.
    In order to make a bequest, please contact your attorney, or insert one of the following statements into your will or codicil:
    • “I hereby give __% of my residuary estate to Waring School, Inc., a Massachusetts charitable corporation, 35 Standley Street, Beverly, MA 01915, for its charitable purposes.”
    • “I hereby bequeath $________ to the Waring School, Inc., a Massachusetts charitable corporation, 35 Standley Street, Beverly, MA 01915, for its charitable purposes.”
    You may contact Landis Van Alen, Development Officer at (978) 927-8739 ext. 337 for more information about the Copper Beech Circle or to receive an enrollment card.
  • Charitable Remainder Trust
    A Charitable Remainder Trust is a special type of trust that is tax-exempt under Federal law. To set up a Charitable Remainder Trust, a donor contributes to Waring School an irrevocable right to the remainder interest of the trust in accordance with a Trust agreement. Please contact your financial and legal advisors to determine if a setting up a charitable remainder trust is appropriate for you.
  • Capital Giving
    Capital gifts support the people, programs, and facilities of Waring School. From time to time we undertake campaigns to secure gifts for our capital needs. The Waring School endowment provides working capital in support of teaching and learning in perpetuity.
  • Other Types of Deferred Gifts
    Some donors choose to make other types of deferred gifts. A donor can name Waring School as the beneficiary of an insurance policy or an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). The assets remain in ownership of the donor until the time of death, at which time the gift is tax deductible. An IRA is an especially effective gift because Waring will receive the full amount of the IRA without reduction for income taxes. Gifts of closely-held stock or tangible personal property are other deferred gifts that can be considered.