Thank you for your interest in applying to Waring School. Please find detailed instructions on how to begin the process below. Do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Office if you have any questions. Click below to hear from a current parent on the Waring experience.
Application Details
Waring uses the Standard Application Online (linked on the right). We are now accepting applications for the fall of 2024, and we encourage you to begin as soon as possible.
When you create an account, you will be asked for the following:
Parent Application and Family Information
Student Application Form
Math Teacher Recommendation Form
English or Social Studies Teacher Recommendation Form
School Report from Head of School or Guidance Counselor
Personal Recommendation (someone who knows you well)
Supplemental Form
Graded homework or an essay with teacher comments
$60.00 Non-refundable Application fee
Visit Days
The Admissions Office will contact families to arrange a two-day visit after application materials have been received. During the two day visit, applicants will shadow a current student in the grade they are applying for and attend classes, interview with a member of the Admissions team, and participate in a humanities discussion.
Music: If you would like Waring to hear you perform, please send a YouTube video link (privately/unlisted is fine), or any sound format (mp3, etc.) in an email to our Performing Arts Department, at, with the subject title "Admissions Music: (Your Name)"
Art: Please send digital images by email to Becky Schaeffer at, with the subject title "Admissions Art: (Your Name)"
Homeschooling Requirements: Please see the homeschooling requirements:HERE.
Applicants are encouraged, but not required, to submit a SSAT score as part of their application. Waring's preferred admission test, should you choose to submit one, is the SSAT.
Decisions Admission Committees consisting of the Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management, and faculty members will make the final decisions upon completion of every application file.
Please do not hesitate tocontact uswith any questions at any time.