
Expand Horizons, Follow Passions, Learn by Doing

Experiential Learning

Endterm is a three-week period at the end of each school year devoted to experiential learning and a time for students to pursue their passions and explore their creativity. During a recent Endterm, Waring students built a skiff, interviewed political candidates, created video games, wrote novellas, sewed rompers, travelled to Canada, designed theater sets, programmed robots, studied the World Cup, recreated historical photographs, and pondered the good life.

Dan Wellehan

Endterm Coordinator


Expand your horizons. Follow your passions

  • Explore new curiosities or develop known interests in small, mixed-aged groups with 2-3 faculty mentors
  • Learn skills and engage in activities that build on and transfer to the larger Waring program
  • Find connections between disciplines and travel off campus
Recent Endterm Offerings
  • 2021 Courses

    1. Cuisine

    2. Drawing Nature and Comparative Anatomy

    3. Home and Hospitality

    4. Sew Waring

    5. Visualizing Poetry

    6. Yes We Can Build it! And We Can Live There!

    7. A Magical Step into Song and Dance

    8. Take a Hike

    9. Van Life

    Click here for full course descriptions

  • 2019 Courses

    1. "Tis an ill cook that cannot lick his own fingers": Shakespeare and Cooking

    2. En Plein Air - fostering creativity and intellectual inquiry with art and ecology

    3. Sew Wearing

    4. Women's Soccer in America

    5. Welcome Home!

    6. Walking with Friends

    7. Robotics 2019, an Introduction to EV3 Robotics

    8. The Wild Places: Languages of Landscape

    9. Independent Endterm

    Click here for full course descriptions.

  • 2018 Courses

    1. Community and Photography

    2. Boat building

    3. Potlucks, Politics and Podcasts

    4. Draft & Craft

    5. Video Games (Digital Arts)

    6. Sew Wearing

    7. Discovering Francophone Shores

    8. Wellness|World Cup

    9. 3-D Theatre - Dream, Design & Dance

    10. An Introduction to EV3 Robotics

    11. The Good Life

    12. Independent Endterm

    Click her for full course descriptions.

  • 2017 Courses

    1. The Visual Word

    2. The Art of Coaching

    3. The Wild Places

    4. Supreme Court, Constitution, and The Law

    5. Bikes and Service

    6. Downtown with Social Action

    7. Coding Café

    8. Lives of Waring Alumni Part 2

    9. Lights and Fearless Explorations

    10. Top Chef Theatre: Exploring the origin, science, and heritage of our food and food-related careers

    11. Independent Endterm

    Click here for full course descriptions.

  • 2016 Courses

    1. Dreamstage

    2. Spirit Story Studio

    3. Computing Endterm

    4. Fishing and Communities

    5. Waring Downtown

    6. Extreme Gear-Head II: An Introduction to Basic Auto Mechanics

    7. Oikumene, or the way people live, enjoy, produce, and make much within a local habitat: How to know, make, and grow our local economy in Beverly and Cape Ann in the tradition of the so-called cottage industry

    8. Medical Endterm: The Brain

    9. A Chicken in Every Pot: Politics in America

    10. Independent Endterm

    Click here for full course descriptions.

  • 2015 Courses

    1. Extreme Gear-Head: An Introduction to Basic Auto Mechanics

    2. Exit Stage West

    3. FilmScore

    4. Take a Hike, Medical Endterm!

    5. By Hand

    6. What is an American?: Salt Lake City and American Exceptionalism

    7. Vaudeville/Cape Ann

    8. Energy and (Em)Power(ment)

    9. Immigrants, Communities, Fish, Fishing, Fisheries

    10. Life after Waring: The Lives of Waring Alumni

    11. Independent Endterm

    Click here for full course descriptions.