Board & Governance

Waring School's Leadership Team

Groundbreaking Ceremony 20200224-32

Head of School

  • Timothy Bakland '94


  • Joseph Jutras (P '17, '20), Chair
  • Cindy Keegan (P ’23), Vice Chair
  • Miranda Russell '90 (P '18, '20), Treasurer
  • John Rossi (P '18, '20)Secretary


  • Todd Balf (P '12, '14)
  • Denise Clinton (P '16, '18, '22)
  • Mary Cookson (P '15, '17)
  • Liz Gibbons
  • Jan Lindsay (P '05, '07)
  • T. Peter Pound (P '24)
  • Juanita Prescod (P '22, '27)
  • I-Hwei Warner '05
  • John Wigglesworth (P '14, '17)

Parent Group Representative

  • Jonathan Grabowski (ex officio) (P '26)

Trustees Emeriti

  • Joanne Avallon (P '11, '15)
  • Thomas Burger (P '88, '90, '96)
  • Andrew S. Calkins (P '05, '07, '10)
  • Geoff Hunt (P '97, '02, '06)
  • Richard Prouty (P '87, '91)
  • Malcolm Reid (P '84, '86) 
2023 Strategic Plan

Leadership Model

Waring School follows the organization model used by most not-for-profit, independent schools. The Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance of the school in accordance with its mission, the school’s bylaws, and chapter 180 of the Massachusetts General Laws, which regulates the activities of the Commonwealth’s nonprofit organizations.

The management of Waring School, as distinct from the school’s governance, is the responsibility of the Head of School, who is appointed by the Board of Trustees and charged with the entire operation of the school, including the employment and supervision of all school personnel.

The functions of the Board include: (i) the establishment and maintenance of Waring's mission, bylaws, and policies consistent therewith; (ii) long-range planning; (iii) the recruitment, retention, and oversight of the Head; and (iv) the promotion of the financial integrity of the school, including fiduciary responsibility of the school’s financial operations, multi-year financial plan, annual budget, investment oversight, fundraising, and capital development.

The Board is currently comprised of 15 trustees who are serving staggered, three-year terms and who fall into three classes. There are four officers: Chair, Vice-chair, Treasurer, and Secretary, each of whom is elected annually. Trustees may serve up to nine years in 3 three-year terms. Additionally, there is a non-voting Parent Group representative who is elected annually. Emeriti Trustees are non-voting, past chairs of the board.
The Board of Trustees has eight standing committees: the Executive Committee, Academic Committee, Advisory Committee, Building & Grounds Committee, Development Committee, Diversity Committee, Finance Committee, and Trustee Committee.