2 min read

MA State First Tech Challenge (FTC) Championships 2021

May 24, 2021 12:17:17 PM

Waring is thrilled to announce that both their two First Tech Challenge (FTC) teams Lupine robotics and Wolfpack Machina emerged winners at the MA State FTC Championships!

Lupine robotics won third robot, while Wolfpack Machina won second robot.

Wolfpack Machina had the top scoring run of the tournament with a score of 707 points. This single run is also the highest scoring run in the world so far this season, setting a new world record. If it were not for a very unfortunate computer disconnection, which gave them a score of less than 200 points for one of their six runs, Wolfpack would have won first robot.  

Additional awards were won by both teams:

Lupine won third place for the innovative award. 

Wolfpack Machina won first place for the Controle award, which recognizes the best automation and technical innovations.  

Both teams would have qualified for the world championship with these results. Unfortunately, Worlds was canceled once again this year due to Covid-19.

Out of about 4,800 FTC teams worldwide, Wolfpack Machina is currently ranked third in the world, while Lupine is ranked 27th in the world. Wolfpack Machina is the highest ranked rookie team in the world, with Lupine being the third highest ranked rookie team in the world.

Congratulations to these incredible competitors for their extraordinary accomplishments! image2


Francis Schaeffer
Written by Francis Schaeffer
