Waring Senior Wins Award in Endicott’s High School Student Art Competition

February 26, 2018

Waring Senior Laura Miller won an award for Excellence in Book Arts at the Endicott College High School Art Competition, where there is work from over 100 students. Waring has three students represented at Endicott College’s Annual High School Student Art Competition. The show allows schools to submit three pieces of work, but the three works must be of different media. This year Waring is represented by Asher Leahy (pen and watercolor drawing), Laura Miller (mixed media altered book) and Julia Natale (black and white photography). The show is being judged by Lydia Gordon, Assistant Curator for Exhibitions and Research at the Peabody Essex Museum. The opening and awards ceremony was Thursday, March 1, and the show is up and open to the public from March 1-28 in the Desnoyers Arts Overlook in the Walter J. Manninen Center for the Arts at Endicott College.