Visitors from NPH Mexico Perform at Waring

October 31, 2016

On Tuesday, October 24, Waring was visited by the Mexican chapter of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH), Spanish for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters.” Visitors from NPH Mexico spent time with Humanities 1 before taking the stage at All-School Meeting. There they performed traditional Mexican folkloric music and dance, inviting students on stage to participate.

NPH USA is a non-profit that operates nine orphanages across Latin America, taking in over 3,400 homeless, abandoned and poor children to give them security and an education. Waring students Alice Mitchell, Arion Carraher-Kang, and Jemma West volunteered at the NPH Dominican Republic home last winter. If you’re interested in learning more about NPH or supporting their fundraising efforts for the Mexican home, talk with these students or Jim Watras.