Student-written Musical to Premiere Saturday, April 6

April 3, 2019

The final project required just a story plot, character summary, and song outline. Sarah Bradshaw ’19 wrote an entire musical.

While enrolled in “American History through Musicals,” a summer course at Harvard University, Sarah was so inspired by the class’ content that she couldn’t stop at just the concept for a musical.

She applied for an independent study at Waring and got to work with the help and guidance of Theater Teacher Elizabeth Gutterman, Writing Teacher Tim Averill, and Composer/Father Rob Bradshaw.

“Together, we created melodies at the piano in the kitchen, sang, cried, and labored over every word and note,” said Sarah.

The result is “Home of the Brave,” a musical that explores gender inequality in the workplace. Although set in the 1940s, the musical reflects gender relations in contemporary America, inspired by Sarah’s own experiences and conversations happening now in politics, communities, and classrooms around the world.

Don’t miss the world premiere of “Lorraine’s Story,” an excerpt of “Home of the Brave” this Saturday, April 6, at 11:30am and 1:00pm in Waring’s Theater.
