Julia Kautz Named Scholastic American Voices Winner

March 26, 2018

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Waring Junior Julia Kautz was named a Gold Key recipient in Scholastic Art and Writing regional awards and was then awarded a National Gold Medal. In addition, her work was chosen as one of five works of writing from each region selected by local judges as an American Voices nominee. Then from among those five nominees her work was selected as the winner and one of only a handful of writers in the nation to receive an American Voices Medal.

On March 22 Julia was invited to read an excerpt of her work at the National Gold Key Reception at Tufts University, on a program with President of Tufts University, Anthony Monaco; President of Scholastic, Hugh Roome; and Boston State Representative Chynah Tyler.

Julia has been invited to a National Award Ceremony at Carnegie Hall on June 7. All national level gold medal recipients are invited to attend, but the American Voices winners will appear on stage. Last year’s ceremony was attended by Amy Schumer, Paul Chan, and Michelle Obama. As the country’s longest-running and most prestigious scholarship and recognition program, Scholastic writing award winners of the past have included Truman Capote, Sylvia Plath, John Updike, and Stephen King among others.

Unfortunately, the National Award Ceremony at Carnegie Hall coincides with Junior Trip, and Julia will most likely not be able to attend. She has, however, been instructed to submit a series of short video clips which will be projected at the ceremony.