Eight Reasons Why Waring Endterm Rocks
December 8, 2018
This spring, Waring students built a skiff, interviewed political candidates, created a video game, wrote novellas, sewed rompers, travelled to Canada, designed theater sets, programmed robots, studied the World Cup, recreated historical photographs, and pondered the good life as part of a three-week Endterm for grades 6-10. The term is intensive, experiential, and often involves off-campus or travel experiences.
What makes it great? Why does it fit Waring’s core philosophy?
In their own words, eight Waring students explain why:

1. Follow your passion “If it’s something that you really like, that you’re passionate about, you’re able to do that thing every single day, all day, for three weeks. Having more time to focus on your passion–it feels really good to be able to get it all out.” – Kira Baxter ’22

2. Learn with professionals “We had this chance to go and use Harvard’s machines in labs that so many people want to go to. We got to go there as high school and middle school students. It was a really unique opportunity.” – Phoebe Holz ’20

3. Work as a team “You don’t see all the progress that has been done in one day because you’re just focused on your one part. But at the end of the day, when we put everything together, you can really see the boat coming to shape. It’s a super cool experience because it’s not just you building a boat. It’s a group of people working together to build a boat. – Cole Ferguson Sauder ’21

4. Develop new skills “In regular school, you’re working for one hour on humanities, an hour on writing or math, but now, during Endterm, it’s one category for the entire three weeks. It’s really fun to see yourself develop in that field a lot in just a short time.” – Benny Weedon ’20

5. More experiences, less tests “Instead of ending with finals or more classes, we end class early and have this intensive, which I think is very Waring. Instead of ending with a bunch of standardized tests, we focus in on a different topic and you can go explore it.” – Henry Symes ’20

6. Learn by doing “We try and figure it out on our own. They let us make mistakes and let us learn from them. It’s a really awesome way for me to learn, and it’s taught me that in the future, when I want to teach people things, this is a really awesome way to do it. – Claire Rhyneer ’21

7. Discover new talents “When I was in sixth grade and just starting Waring, I was very tentative to try anything artsy, but Endterm helped me discover my strengths and interests. I realized there was a lot more to art than just black and white pencil. I realized my strength was actually poetry and watercolor. Knowing that made me realize that there is a lot more to art and writing that I had no clue about and that I might actually be very talented in.” – Ilaria Bardini ’20

8. Promote camaraderie between groups “Endterm is mixed age in a similar way to Tutorial. It’s to promote camaraderie between a sixth grader and say a sophomore… It’s only in these settings that a sixth grader could get critiqued on their work by a freshman – or the other way around.” – Campbell Boisvert ’20