Campaign for Waring Announced

September 22, 2018

On Saturday, September 22, Waring School made a transformative announcement that marks an historic moment for the school. Head of School Tim Bakland and Chair of the Board Joanne Avallon officially announced the CAMPAIGN FOR WARING — with the goal to raise an historic $6 million dollars for Waring students, faculty, and a new School Building.

To date, through the record-breaking support of donors from all constituencies as well as from foundation support of Waring’s mission, Waring has already raised a remarkable $5.1 million in commitments toward the campaign goal!
Through this campaign Waring continues to raise meaningful funds that support faculty and students in addition to the Annual Fund’s support of the school’s operations. The Campaign for Waring makes it possible for Waring to provide access to a diverse group of students, attract and retain our devoted faculty, and have a physical environment that fosters community and serves as a catalyst to joyful learning.

Plans are underway by Maryann Thompson Architects for a new school building built to Passive House Sustainability standards — a first for schools in our region — a home for learning with nooks, porches, classrooms, and cubbies that will merge with and embrace the natural beauty of our campus; a building that will have intimate spaces for quiet discussion; a new All School Meeting space that will appropriately and comfortably bring the entire school together for our gatherings, a critical shared experience that dates back to the “morning meetings” with Philip and Josée in Rockport, MA. This new building will serve as a catalyst to learning and will allow Waring to continue to invite, engage, and connect, and will be the soul of our school.

You can learn more about the plans and fundraising progress at