Waring News | Waring School

Waring Teacher to Read Poetry at Gloucester Writer’s Center

Written by Admin | 09/13/2017

Writing and Humanities teacher, Joshua Scott-Fishburn, will be part of a joint poetry reading tonight at the Gloucester Writing Center where he will read work written during his teaching sabbatical. He will share the stage with Somerville poet, Ben Berman, whose first book titled Strange Borderlands won the 2014 Peace Corps Award for Best Book of Poetry and was a finalist for the Massachusetts Book Awards. Joshua’s work will feature public-themed poems that include meditations on Gloucester's contemporary culture as it intersects with local and national history as well as private-themed poems focused on the tensions of personal intimacy and alienation. Joshua began working with the GWC over the course of his sabbatical, both as a writer and board member.

The reading will take place tonight, September 13 from 7:30 to 9:00pm. The Gloucester Writing Center is located at 126 East Main Street, Gloucester, MA.

Weather Report
Tree sticks will claw the air and rattle.
Gusts will pick up trash and it will
flutter and shred above in branches
like prayer flags from Sikkim, but different.
Scuttling and scraping recyclables will emigrate down asphalt
and concrete to the beach. Recyclables will reach
the harbor where day after day they will
alternately collect, float, collect,
then submerge partway down the water column.
Each day sun will chisel water
with cuts that reject the sky.
People will drive cars over
and kick away empties from the sidewalk.
These events may or may not diminish
what life lives here in Gloucester-town.