3 min read

Celebrating Francophone Poetry at Waring and beyond by Marianne Durand and the French Department

By Marianne Durand on Apr 20, 2021 9:32:39 AM

Jean de La Fontaine was born four centuries ago, on July 8, 1621 in Château-Thierry. Inspired by the fabulists of Greco-Latin antiquity, and in particular by Aesop, he wrote more than two hundred and forty Fables, bringing this hitherto minor genre to a degree of accomplishment that remains unequalled. Moralist without being moralistic, La Fontaine uses animals to depict human failings, thus taking a lucid look at human nature and power relationships.

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10 min read

Exploring Islamic Studies at Waring by Michelle Ramadan, Edith Fouser, and Joan Sullivan

By Joan Sullivan on Apr 12, 2021 9:28:33 AM

In the months of January and February, students in Groups 2 and 3 in Monotheism and The Middle East course studied Islamic history and literature. Students read poetry by Sufi poets Rabi’a al-addawiyyah, Rumi, and Hafez, and reflect on the poetry’s mystical themes of divine love, separation, the self, self-annihilation, asceticism, and transcendence. 

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